Teacher Appreciation: Ms. Stucky


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Michael Menietti, Reporter

If I had to choose a favorite teacher, that person would definitely be Ms. Stucky. She has been my orchestra teacher throughout my three years here at City High, as well as a great support system for me and many other students.

Switching from Regina to City High was a nerve wracking experience, to say the least, and orchestra made that transition a lot easier. From the first day, the orchestra classroom was a lot more relaxed and a more welcoming environment than the other classrooms- I thank Ms. Stucky for that. She’s always there, no matter what problem you have. You can go to her about anything.

Even when the music is hard, and we haven’t been able to get it under our fingers, she doesn’t just drop the piece. She helps us learn, we practice parts over and over again to get it right. She never gives up on the orchestra, even on the days we make her mad…and trust me, there are many–we’re a bunch of orchestra nerds hyped up every day, so I’m surprised she loves us as much as she does. I’m not exaggerating when I say ‘love’–it’s not hard to tell that she loves her job and her students, and we love her back. Some of us even call her mom.

Not only is Ms. Stucky a kind, open, and genuine person, she is very accepting of every person. She does her best to make sure all her students are feeling welcome and safe at school, specifically the orchestra room.  She is everything a teacher needs to be.