Student Senate Recap: Revenue Raising and Accessibility

Mira Bohannan Kumar, Copy & Opinion Editor

The meeting opened with a report from Vice President Patrick McMillan ’18. All ten Volleybuff teams are signed up including a faculty team. Team can donations will be due a week before the event and a bracket will be drawn up for the tournament.

President Teagan Roeder ’18 had conducted a survey of ELL students and found that a majority of those surveyed were not aware of Student Senate prior to being surveyed, which the Senate determined was an issue in regards to accessibility.

Treasurer Gabby McCormick ’18 presented ideas for increasing Senate revenue. Lottie Gidal ’19 presented ideas regarding the early stages of the Can Drive and obtaining places to collect cans.

The Senate discussed the possibility of a school ‘movie night’ and the expenditures of such an event and committees assembled.

The Senate meets every Wednesday morning in room 3311 at 8:15 am. To learn more, contact Mr. Tygrett, the primary faculty advisor, or attend meetings, which are open to all students.