Lighting the Lights: Hanukkah Traditions


Emme Perencevich

Infographic by Emme Perencevich

Natalie Green and Emme Perencevich

As the weather gets colder and winter break gets closer many students at City High begin to celebrate various winter holidays. Hanukkah, an eight-day Jewish holiday which takes place in December, ended last Sunday, December 9. Toby Epstein ’21 and Lottie Gidal ’19 celebrated with special family traditions.

Gidal and her family invite friends and neighbors over to celebrate at their annual latke party. Neighbors gather to share in food and festivities.

“We traditionally invite a bunch of neighbors and family friends over and we have a latke party,” Lottie Gidal ’19 said. “My dad is at the grill, churning out as many latkes as he can. It’s usually a really messy affair.”

During Hanukkah, Epstein gathers with his family to read the Torah and light the menorah. His family gets together one night during Hanukkah to share gifts and eat latkes.

“We get together when we are not busy. Some nights everyone is busy so we cannot get together. We say they prayers [from the Torah] and light the menorah.” Toby Epstein ’21 said, “One night we give out presents, that’s always nice. Most nights my dad makes latkes, they are super good.”

Gidal said that while the season can be brutal, the cold can also make for a cozy holiday.

“It’s a really fun atmosphere in the winter,” said Gidal.