Students Get out to Vote in Mock Election

Rasmas Schluter and Nathan Cremers fill out their ballots together.

Kayla Fisher

In an attempt to create an incentive for future voters to care about what is happening in the world around them, Kids Voting USA, an organization that creates opportunities for students in Kindergarten through 12th grade coordinated a mock election for educational and transformative purposes.  City High students voted in the mock election that took place on Tuesday, November 5th in the main foyer throughout the duration of the day.  The Iowa City Community School district has been hosting this mock election for over 20 years.

Mrs. Carrie Watson, government teacher and supervisor of the mock election offered extra credit to students with open hours who volunteered to run the voting booth.

“It is a really great opportunity for students to start thinking about sometimes how little they know, so when it is time for them to go to an actual ballot box, they are prepared,” Watson said. “They go in informed, educated, and knowledgeable about both the issues and your candidates.”