Reserved Parking for Carpoolers


This year’s class presidents, Daniel Kelly ‘16 and Sy Butler ‘16, are opening up an opportunity to park in reserved spots in the upper lot. Currently it offers two parking spots in the Upper “Jock” Lot, for drivers with three or more people in their car. This reserved parking spot system has caused a spark of mixed feelings amongst the student body. Carpooling has always been common at City High, and now this new system gives students a choice to use that to their advantage.

“Well I think it’s a good idea, but I don’t know how many people will take advantage of it,” Addy Smith ‘18 said.

Many students are curious about these reserved spots, and are unsure of its outcomes. On the other hand, some students completely oppose it.

“I hate it, I should be able to park there. I got all excited because I thought there were two open spots, but they were taken,” Machlen Polfliet ‘17 said.

The good things that could come out of using these two parking spots are reduced numbers of cars in City High’s parking lots.

parking2“I think it’s a good idea, and it probably could be expanded. I saw one car that parked and had five kids get out of a van, which is good,” Chip Hardesty said.

As students start to become more aware of the system and it begins to expand, authority and trust could be a rising concern among the staff and students, and could potentially cause problems. There still weighs the possibility of student drivers not using these two parking spots as they are intended to be.

“I hope they don’t. I know people are watching it at first,”Chip Hardesty said. “It will work if people don’t do that, somebody will try probably. I hope if somebody tries we tow them away.”