Voting Begins for Homecoming King and Queen

Annalise Rummelhart

(Pictured from left to right) King candidates: Isaac Buatti, Rasmus Schlutter, Cole Nicholson, Sameer Ali, Matthew Dodge, Jim McMillan, Nysio Poulakos. Queen candidates: Lucia Wagner, Molly Liu, Estie Dillard, Mikayla Lacey, Esme Rummelhart, Lucy McGehee, Addie Bass.

Voting opens Wednesday on TallySpace after the assemblies for seniors and juniors and only, and closes at 8 p.m. Thursday.




Addie Bass
It is now my honor to introduce to you our first Homecoming Queen candidate, Addie Bass. Addie is escorted by Emma Webber. Her activities include large group speech, journalism, the fall play, anime club treasurer, the spring musical, chamber choir, and show choir. Addie’s most memorable moment at City High School was watching Mr. Bacon start a standing ovation after her bow as Mary Poppins her sophomore year. Her advice to the student body is to be sincere. She wants to be remembered at City as a charming young person who kind of looked like the tall Lord Farguaad, but could sing.

Sameer Ali

Next is King candidate Sameer Ali. Sameer is escorted today by Claire Woodard. Sameer participates in MVP, JV Tennis (but Chip said he could play in a varsity match), Group Improve, and Model UN and he is a City High School Ambassador. His most memorable moment at City was when Mr. Burkle continued to hand him Charles’s papers (it was probably the hair). His advice is “Get involved and don’t run Cross Country”. Sameer would like to be remembered as Brodrick.

Estie Dillard
Our next Homecoming Queen candidate is Estie Dillard. Estie’s escort is Savannah Haneline. Estie’s’ activities include Senior Art and Video Editor in Journalism, AP Art, Drama and Tennis. Her most memorable moment was going to London with Mr. and Mrs. Peters and a few of her friends, one including Queen Candidate Addie Bass. Her advice to the student body is to know that “revving your engine in the parking lot is so cool!.” She would like to be remembered at City as Michael Close’s favorite student.

Isaac Buatti
Next up among King candidates is Isaac Buatti. Isaac is escorted today by Scooter Hickman. Isaac participates in Show Choir, soccer, Business Professionals of America and bowling. His most memorable moment at City High School was storming the field every time City beat West. His advice to fellow students: “Always eat your vegetables.” Isaac wants to be remembered at City as “The Last Buatti.”

Mikayla Lacey
Next among Queen Candidates is Mikayla Lacey Today, Mikayla is escorted by Claire Brown. While at City, Mikayla has participated in Basketball, Yoga Club and been Volleyball team manager. Her best memory of high school was when Gavin Thatcher dropped his first album. Her advice: Test your limits, especially in the library. She would like to be remembered as the blond obsessed with surfing.

Matthew Dodge
Introducing homecoming king candidate Matthew Dodge. Matthew’s escort is Grace Brown. Matthew participates in Cross Country, Track, the Welcome Program and Model United Nations. His best memory of high school is the Senior Paint Fight. His advice to students is to get involved early and surround yourself with people you enjoy being around. He hopes he is remembered at City High as a fun loving guy who goes for the occasional run.

Molly Liu
Next up is Queen Candidate Molly Liu. Molly is escorted by Danielle Tang. Molly is a member of 4th Avenue Jazz Company Show Choir, Select Women’s Choir, All State Choir, Newspaper, Ambassadors, Math Club, Dance Marathon and is a Peer Tutor. What she will remember most about high school is performing with 4th Ave last year at a competition at Prairie High School. Her advice to other students is always make time for yourself – you’ll need it. She wants to be remembered as Lucy Wagner’s #1 fan.

Jim McMillan
Jim McMillan is our next King Candidate. Jim is escorted by Devan O’Rourke. His activities at City High School include Cross Country, Student Senate, 4th Avenue Jazz Company, Ambassadors, Track and Field and spring musicals. His most memorable moments at City were being in the Forwald Relays and playing role of Neleus in the spring musical Mary Poppins. His advice is to get as involved as you can. He wants to be remembered at City as “That Guy.”

Lucy McGehee
Lucy McGehee is among our Queen Candidates. Her escort today is Sami Therme. Her activities include Newspaper, Student Senate, Political Awareness Club, Model UN, Cross Country, Ambassadors and Show Choir Crew. Her most memorable moment at City was when she slipped in front of the entire student section while taking photos of the City-West game junior year. Her advice is an F. Scott Fitzgerald quote: “the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” She wants to be remembered as “That Girl.”

Cole Nicholson
Cole is next among King Candidates. Cole is escorted by Adam Nicholson. Cole is involved in Best Buddies, Student Senate, Interact and Tennis. Cole says his most memorable moment at City High School was rushing on to the field after the City-West soccer game of his sophomore year. His advice to the student body is “Enjoy your Weekends.” He would like to be remembered as being quirky and cute (haha).

Esme Rummelhart
Introducing Queen Candidate, Esme Rummelhart, escorted by Annalise Rummelhart. While at City, Esme has participated in Symphony Orchestra, Student Senate, Interact and Philosophy Club. Her most memorable moment at City was Mrs. Fettweis’s class. Specifically, our speech unit when we all cried together for three days straight because everyone had written such incredible speeches. One piece of advice she give other students is “You can do anything you want, and be anyone you want to be. Conduct yourselves with love and everything is up to you.” She hopes she is remembered as a friend; for supporting anyone who needed it, or just wanted it, and for making people’s days better.

Nysio Poulakos
Next up is Nysio Poulakos who is escorted today by Emma Arp, his fellow rea-head. Nysio is a member of 4th Avenue Jazz Company, Chamber Choir, National Honors Society, Large Group Speech, City High Drama and JV Tennis. His favorite memory at City High was when he met his best friend Addie Bass, and the following year, stood by her side when she accepted her Best Female Soloist Award. The advice he has for his fellow students is to be yourself and get involved in as much as possible. City High School is special and you are the reason why. He hopes he is remembered at City High as a funny, fierce and iconic individual who was always himself.

Lucy Wagner
Lucy Wagner is our final Queen Candidate. Lucy is escorted by Sarah Smith. Her activities include Student Senate, Varsity Tennis, Interact Club, Political Awareness Club, Journalism and Gardening Club . Her most memorable time at City was becoming Student Body President and coming to City High and meeting everyone. Her advice to all you students is to “Try the other parent.” Lucy hopes to be remembered for absolutely killing Film Fest last year with “Key Girl and Lock Boy,” and showing up to numerous dances and football games dressed as a pirate.

Rasmus Schlutter
Last but not least, introducing King Candidate Rasmus Schlutter. Rasmus is escorted by Ben Smith. His activities include Varsity soccer, architecture club, drama, speech, newspaper, Mock Trial, Student Senate and Spanish Cafe. His most memorable moment at City is beating West High in soccer by ever decreasing margins for three years in a row. His advice to the student body is to get your physician recommended 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night. He would like to be remembered as Rammoose Shlater, bearer of the forever mispronounced name.