Why I Write: Lizzi Ayers


Lizzi Ayers, Reporter

The ultimate question: Why do you love what you love? Why do you do what you do? I write because it is an escape from reality. Even when everything is going awesome, everyone needs an adventure once in awhile. Narnia, Hogwarts, The Hundred Acre Wood… the possibilities are endless. When you read a good book, you step into the world of the characters. When I read Harry Potter, I fell so in love that I cried when reality came crashing in–the reality that Hogwarts didn’t exist. Or, so I thought.

Everything that is written exists. I may not be able to attend Harry’s school, but I can still go there in my imagination and in the pages of J.K. Rowling’s books. When you find a good book, it hits you like a wave of words and letters and magic. That’s why I write–so that I can create that magic portal to another dimension.

I write for myself, so I can read stories no one else bothered to write. Stories about other borrowers; mermaids who value knowledge, not beauty; and two girls with the same name, but polar personalities.

I write so I can get better at doing what I love. I write because I want to make others happy while doing something that also makes me happy. I write because, well, it’s the ‘write’ thing to do.