Interact Club’s Can Drive Begins

Rachel Meehan, A&E and Copy Editor

As of October 22nd, the Interact club can drive is in full swing! As a friendly competition against West High’s Interact club, the two schools will compete to see who can collect the most canned food and donations. This includes all non-perishable food items. Interact club member Melanie Tran-Duong ‘21 shares some details about the can drive.

“Originally, our plan was to end [the can drive] this Friday, but we are extending the deadline to November 1st because many people did not know about the can drive until earlier this week,” Tran-Duong said. “And of course our goal is to beat West!”

Students who wish to donate are able to provide any canned or non-perishable food items. This can include any canned vegetables or fruits or non-canned food items like pasta boxes. Students are also welcome to donate money or spare change as well as food items. The donation boxes are located in the main foyer. 

Additionally, Interact club members are holding bake sales to help fund a field trip to the Amana damaged goods store. This store sells slightly damaged canned goods and non-perishable food items that regular grocery stores cannot sell. However, the contents of the items are the same as they would be in a normal grocery store. Interact club hopes to purchase some of these cans to donate to the Crisis center or other local charities. Interact club meets during Tuesday advisories in Dr. Humpston’s room.