Ben Carson rallies supporters around ‘revitalizing economy and waging war on ISIS’


Tony Soberanis

Two days before the Iowa caucus Ben Carson held a rally to try and gain ground on Trump and Cruz.

Two days before the Iowa caucus Ben Carson spoke strongly on the economy and ISIS trying to gain ground on Trump and Cruz who held substantial leads in the polls.

“When you don’t vote your voting for the other side,” Carson said.

After encouraging Iowans to vote he also spoke Islam as a whole.

“Read up on Mohamed and Islam,” Carson said.

On the economy he also spoke toward tax rates.  Carson’s plan on taxes included focusing on the 2.1 trillion dollars of offshore accounts that could be used to stimulate the economy.

Carson also spoke on the United States jail crisis.

“We cannot have 5% of the world population and 25% of its inmates,” Carson said.

