Looking Towards the Past


Jake Russell, Reporter

Trump recently stated in the 2nd CNN republican debate that he has and is very good at making money in response to republican candidate Fiorina mentioning his history of bankrupting Trump casinos 4 times, stating, “I never went bankrupt.”

It is true, Donald Trump has never gone personally bankrupt and even managed to generate wealth from the floundering company, becoming well acquainted in how to play bankruptcy codes to his favor and come out on top. However he did cost a total of one billion dollars to investors, losses that had repercussions through the sector. Hypocritically enough, Trump has still attacked Fiorina for layoffs as CEO of HP when its stocks nosedived, yet this action was trying to mitigate further losses, solve a problem. Trump’s actions were acted for personal gain, with disregard for collateral damage.

If then, Trump’s and other’s records are weighed against each other, Trump doesn’t look to favorable for the nation. Hillary clinton’s email issue doesn’t look like too much once one thinks about the fact that the president won’t be managing his or her own server’s security.

On the other hand, Trump’s past history of personal gains over net benefits is a little more concerning. He could find himself out of place as the president, having to concern himself more with the welfare of the whole ship, not just his own lifeboat.

With all candidates putting their opponents records under the magnifying glass, it seems candidates want voters more concerned with the past than plans for the future, when its suppose to be the other way around. Elections are meant for voters to choose how the future is shaped, not to dwell so much on the past. While qualification do matter, what a candidate has to say for the future matters just as much. Elections aren’t just meant to cross out other choices but to make the best one.