Districtwide Parent Organization Taking Applications for Scholarship

Zoë Hopewell, Reporter

The Districtwide Parent Organization (DPO) is taking applications for the DPO Education Scholarship, which is available to any senior planning to pursue a college education to prepare for a teaching career.

To be eligible, students must be a senior attending high school in the ICCSD, and plan to pursue a college education to become a teacher. To apply, students can pick up an application packet in the guidance office. The criteria considered in awarding the scholarship include academic success, extracurricular activities, leadership, and community involvement, an essay, and a reference letter written by a teacher or mentor.

The number of scholarships given and the amount given varies yearly depending on donations received by the DPO. In the past, 2-3 scholarships have been given for at least $1000 each. Scholarship recipients are chosen by the DPO executive board.

Applications are due Monday, March 7th by 5 pm. More information is available in the guidance office.