Library Offers Summer Opportunities
Bryan from the ICPL talks to The Little Hawk about summer library opportunities
June 3, 2014
While Chilean revolutionaries are destroying debt owed by college students, the Iowa City Public Library is taking up the trend and getting rid of students’ debt. The library’s summer reading program allows students to get rid of $20 of fines at the library, or have a chance to win gift cards to local bookstores and movie theaters after a raffle. To qualify for the raffle the library is giving out cards to be filled out once someone reads five books and rates them. If more than five books are read than additional prizes are available.
Additionally, the library is teaming up with public transit again so that students can get downtown for free by showing a library card to the bus driver. The library will then give students a bus pass to return home.
The library is also providing some fun summer opportunities including; movie watching nights, a video game tournament for Mario Kart 8, and other club activities.
For more information head down to the library, or go to their website.