‘It Can Wait’ simulator comes to City High


Elise Goodvin

Students test their texting and driving abilities with the “It Can Wait” simulator

Claire Noack, News Editor

Students crowded around a high-tech driving simulator immediately after school on Tuesday, November 18th. The AT&T sponsored “It Can Wait” campaign visited City High school to raise awareness of the dangers of texting while driving.

The simulator consisted of a monitor showing the streetscape ahead, with an attached steering wheel, pedals, and driving chair, similar to many arcade video games. However, this simulator also had a cell phone hooked up, and participants were required to text while using the simulator. The goal was to make it through the simulation without crashing, a goal few students achieved.

“It Can Wait” volunteers also encouraged students to take a pledge to no longer text and drive. One student spoke of the impact the presentation had on him.

“It makes me feel like I should never do that,” Kai Clemens “16 said. “And it makes me upset that other people are stupid enough to text and drive.”