Roller Skating in Wellman

Roller skating is taken to a new level in Wellman, Iowa.

The Wellman Roller Skating Rink is a community-founded social hub featuring friends, music, dance and, of course, roller skating. Saturday night in Wellman is known as “Skate Night.” The rink hosts an open skate time, allowing family and friends to bond through a series of games.

“Roller Skate Limbo” challenges all skaters to a friendly competition. The last skater standing wins bragging rights, a highly coveted award. Limbo transitions into a group skate time, which is ultimately a warm up for “The Dice Game.” The luck of the dye solely determines the winner, making the game full of rage and good-hearted trash talking.

After an embarrassing loss, the concession stand offers a variety of comfort food, including pizza and slurpees. Another way to cope with a devastating defeat is to watch inexperienced skaters fumble their way around the rink.

Good-hearted laughter fills the air after each fall while helping hands reach out towards the victims of rookie skating.

The hours of skating and fun times make the 40 minute ride to Wellman well worth it.