PSEO Signup Date Drawing Near


Rhys Holman

PSEO is an opportunity for high school students to take college classes while the state pays the tuition.

Rhys Holman, Opinion Editor

The signup deadline for PSEO, the post secondary education option which allows students who have a 3.5 GPA or higher and want to take classes at the University of Iowa that aren’t offered at City, is March 25.

“Through PSEO, students can supplement their education here at City High with additional coursework at the University of Iowa, which means they can get college-level credit while still receiving City High credit,” said Linda Hoel, a guidance counselor at City High.

In order to access this opportunity, start the application process as soon as possible, because the process of signing up has many steps and has the potential to take a substantial amount of time.

“To sign up for PSEO, you need to talk to your counselor and make sure that you’re eligible. Then they need to call the University of Iowa’s academic advising department and schedule an appointment with an advisor, who helps you fill out all the registration materials,” said Hoel. “Then they bring it back here to approve it. Then, after that, the district office has to approve it which results in the district and the state paying for the classes.”

But the deadline for scheduling an appointment is nearing and if one doesn’t call soon they may be unable to get an appointment.

“To get an appointment with an advisor you need to call about two weeks in advance of the deadline. So I’d say calling in the first week of March would be good because otherwise they might [not] be able to get you in because they’re very busy,” said Hoel. “The deadline for the appointment is slightly before the PSEO sign-up date because after the appointment we still have to approve the paperwork and send it elsewhere which takes some time.”

If you’re interested in PSEO, talk to your guidance counselor as soon as you can to get the informational packet with the steps to apply.