4th Avenue Jazz Company: New Themes, New Progress


Reese Hill, Reporter

Every year, new faces join 4th Avenue Jazz Company, City High’s varsity show choir, and change the team’s dynamic. This year, under the theme “first man on the moon,” show choir members believe the team is competent and growing close to each other as they commemorate the accomplishments of Neil Armstrong.

“[We’re] a lot more hardworking than last year,” Phong Nguyen ‘20 said. “We get off topic sometimes, but we work hard to compensate. It’s harder [than last year], because there are more things we have to keep track of. The dances are harder. I like performing this year’s theme, but I loved last year’s theme too.”

4th Avenue and Charisma are currently preparing to showcase their routines at Works in Progress next week. Works in Progress is a fundraiser at West High for the area’s show choirs where each school’s teams perform for each other.

“We’ve only rehearsed with Combo two times, so it’s just gonna be how it is, I guess,” Nguyen said. “I think we’re ready. We’re going to try to show up all the other schools, especially since West High has one song that’s exactly like ours, except we have a soloist and they don’t. It’ll be great if we just show them up.”