BREAKING NEWS: ICCSD Releases “Online Intent” Form for May Online Class Options

Paris Fuller, News Editor

After Governor Kim Reynolds directed schools to be closed for the remainder of the school year Iowa City Community School District is bringing learning opportunities to the houses of students through online classes beginning April 27. City High students are encouraged to fill out the online intent form as soon as possible.

Students who currently have a passing grade in their class can choose to take a “P” or pass the class and be done with it for the rest of the year. If students choose the pass option this will not affect their current GPA just the grade for that class. This is the same for advanced placement classes as well. Students can also continue and earn a grade that would go towards their new GPA. 

On April 21 a link was sent out containing a form called “the student intent form” in which students decide which classes they will be continuing for the rest of the school year. Students who do not meet course expectations or fail their online class will receive a “W” or withdraw and receive no credit for that course. This however will be waived for seniors if it’s a graduation credit. All other students will be allowed to retake a course through credit recovery options if they are needed to graduate. 

Parents or students with questions are encouraged to reach out to their guidance counselor, teacher, or principal.