4th Ave. Show Choir Releases Theme for 2023-2024 Season


4th Ave.’s announcement photo, courtesy of their instagram

Grace Kirschling, Broadcast Editor

On June 1st 2023, 4th Avenue Jazz Co. released their theme for the year. The students gathered in the choir room awaiting their meetings to just discuss the season, and the leadership expected this year. 

“I honestly was just so excited to be in the choir room with everyone,” Diego Loria-Eivins, ‘24 said. “It was my first time back in a year, and I was so surprised to find out that the theme was being revealed.”

The students went around the room and introduced themselves, just as they finished up, the lights were shut off. A video began to play on the big screen. 

“I honestly thought that it was just going to be our clues since that’s what we did last year,”  LeClair, ‘25 said. “But when the music started, everyone was ecstatic.” 

4th Ave. is proud to present its show titled “Norden” for the 2023-2024 season. The set will feature music all composed by Nordic artists, with 8 songs, some being very familiar. A show about a group of people being called towards Norway by the northern lights to find their true home. 

“This year is for family. One family and one dream,” Loria-Eivins ’24 said.