Rick Santorum Speaks at Iowa City Home


Michael Menietti, Reporter

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum visited Iowa City on November 19th. A family who supports him held a house party for anyone in the community who wanted to come.

Santorum talked a bit about his campaign before answering questions from the audience of people. Over the course of the evening, Santorum did not talk much about himself and his track record, but focused mainly on what he could do for the country in the future. He made a point to stress Iowa’s importance and the place the state holds in the election process.

“You’re Iowans,” he said. “You have a special responsibility to narrow the field, to decide for America the subset of candidates that are going to have the chance to be president of the United States.”

One question was posed about why he stayed in the race with him polling so low. He pointed out that in the 2012 election he was at 2% in the national polls weeks before the caucuses, then his numbers increased to 24.6%. Santorum is hopeful that this year will similar.

“Trust yourselves, not the experts and the national polls,” Santorum said.