Student Senate Recap: Constitutional Revision

Mira Bohannan Kumar, Copy & Opinion Editor

The meeting on Wednesday, January 10 began with Senate secretary Bihotza James-Lejarcegui ’18’s presentation on developments in the possibility of a self-defense class at City High. Eric Thomas ’18 spoke about the Open Mic Night to be held tentatively on Friday, February 16. The Senate discussed the challenges facing transgender individuals who want to join sports teams.

The Senate held a vote concerning the committee for a special upperclassman event later in the year. The Senate voted to keep the committee on in order to discuss this hypothetical event.

April Wilson ’18 and Cole Donahue ’19 came to the Senate from Dance Marathon to ask for funds from Senate coffers to help Dance Marathon. The Senate voted to aid the event.

The Senate discussed the current attendance requirement to run for office and the conflict that occurred in the 2017 election–the change in attendance standards and the lack of communication about them. President Teagan Roeder ’18 suggested that the Constitution be rewritten to make it easier for students who need to make time for Senate outside other responsibilities. Maya Durham ’19 presented the other side of the argument: that requiring candidates to attend half of the meetings shows that they have loyalty and dedication to the Senate, qualities necessary for leadership. The Senate voted to open it up for revisions.

The Senate meets every Wednesday morning in room 3311 at 8:15 am. To learn more, contact Mr. Tygrett, the primary faculty advisor, or attend meetings, which are open to all students.