Best Buddies Participate in Winter Actvities in Library


Michael Sabers ‘City High paraprofessional showing buddy how to paint christmas ornaments.

Jae Dancer and Aala Basheir

On Friday, December 11, Best Buddies gathered in the City High library to participate in festive winter activities such as painting snowflakes, making Christmas ornaments, and building a ten-foot-tall snowman made out of books.

“I really liked talking to all the people that I normally don’t talk to. If it wasn’t for Best Buddies, I wouldn’t have met all these people because I wouldn’t have known they existed,” Penelope Wilkins ’21 said.

Best Buddies is a long-standing club at City High that many students participate in. Students who choose to participate in Best Buddies are paired with a buddy and throughout the year spend quality time getting to know and bonding with their buddy.

“Best Buddies is amazing. I love how inclusive they are [because] I met all of my friends here and honestly I think this is one of City High’s best programs,” America Dunbar ’21 said.