The City High Golf Season Comes to an End
Cooper Kirshling’21 during practice at the Pleasant Valley Golf course.
October 8, 2020
As the people’s voices around him slowly fade to nothing, Cooper Kirshling’21 lines up his putt for par during the Senior night golf meet. Focusing intensely, he hits the ball with just enough force to make it to the hole and watches as it rolls into the cup. At the end of the meet Kirshling was the best performing golfer from City High with 47 strokes.
“I’ve loved playing for the Little Hawks,” Kirshling said. “Senior night was different compared to the past, but it was still great.”
At the beginning of the season coaches acknowledged issues, but pushed on, doing their best to safely help players improve.
“COVID and the uncertainty of the start of the school year added a different dynamic but I think the players and coaches have taken in stride,” Coach Philip Lala said.
The Little Hawk Varsity boys golf team has participated in seven meets with their best team scores being 406 strokes for 18 holes and 183 strokes for nine holes.
“I am really proud of the attitude and work ethic of the golfers who we have,” Lala said. “They are open to feedback and small swing adjustments because they want to learn and get better.”
While the pandemic brought regulation changes to all sports, it affected golf less than most other sports.
“Golf is a pretty socially distant sport to begin with, so the restrictions we have put into place don’t impact the actual game a ton,” Kirshling said.